PhD Research Fellow in Psychological defense and traumatized sexuality


Apply before: March 1st, 2019
University of Agder, Norway
Job specification:
  • The University of Agder, Faculty of Health and Sport Sciences, invites applications for a temporary, 100 % position as PhD Research Fellow in Psychological defense and traumatized sexuality at the Department of Psychosocial Health for three years. The position is located at Campus Grimstad. The starting date is negotiable. More information about the faculty is found here.
  • This PhD project will help answer the following research questions: When and why do defence strategies come into play as part of traumatization? Which defence and coping strategies are put into effect? And, importantly, how do we investigate and better understand the defensive strategies that negatively affect the direction in which social relations develop, and what can be done to hinder the defence strategies which threaten social relations?
External references: Read more

PhD position Department of Psychology, Lund University


Apply before: March 1st, 2019
Lund University, Sweden
Job specification:
  • Students with basic eligibility for third-cycle studies are those who- have completed a second-cycle degree- have completed courses of at least 240 credits, of which at least 60 credits are from second-cycle courses, or- have acquired largely equivalent knowledge in some other way, in Sweden or abroad.A person meets the specific admission requirements for third-cycle studies in psychology if he or she has passed at least 30 second-cycle credits in the main field of psychology, including a second-cycle degree project worth 15 credits, or equivalent knowledge acquired in Sweden or abroad.
External references: Read more



Apply before: April 15, 2019
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Job specification:
  • The research will be embedded in the research activities of the School Psychology section of the KU Leuven. The School Psychology section consists of Prof. dr. Verschueren, Prof. dr. Colpin, and Prof. dr. Spilt. Spilt will be the promotor of the proposed project. Prof. dr. W. van den Noortgate will be involved as external advisor because of his specific methodological and statistical expertise in N=1 research designs.
External references: Read more

Two PhD student positions – Belief Systems


Apply before: February 19th, 2019
Tilburg University
Job specification: In a world with increasing political polarization over issues large and small (e.g., immigration, European integration, depth and breadth of the social safety net) it is important to understand how people’s belief systems can be changed and how belief systems react to these changing political and social environments. The two PhD projects aim to tackle these pressing issues from two different directions.
External references: Read more



Apply before: January 31st, 2019
Holland Rijnland
Job specification:
  • Je analyseert data op het gebied van schoolverzuim en voortijdig schoolverlaten. Je hebt daarbij een scherp oog voor opvallende trends en ontwikkelingen. Deze bespreek je proactief met zowel het management als met de consulenten.
  • Je analyseert data als het gaat om onze eigen interne processen en caseload verdeling. Door de cijfers op een heldere manier te presenteren maak je de werkprocessen transparant voor iedereen.
  • Je komt proactief met voorstellen voor procesverbeteringen, vanuit de informatie die je uit de data haalt. Hiermee faciliteer je het werk van onze consulenten.
  • Je houdt overzicht over bestaande dashboards en rapportages. Je optimaliseert en beheert deze.
  • Je doet zelfstandig voorstellen voor en ontwikkelt nieuwe dashboards en rapportages die een bijdrage leveren aan het doel: minder verzuim recidive, minder thuiszitters en minder voortijdig schoolverlaters.
  • Je levert de benodigde data, analyses, tabellen en grafieken voor tweejaarlijks terugkomende rapportages (RBL jaarverslag en VSV-rapportage)
External references: Read more

PhD – Developmental Psychobiology


Apply before: February 15th, 2019
Radboud University Medical Center Nijmegen
Job specification: The aim of this PhD project is to test a new psychobiological model of human development within an ongoing longitudinal study in healthy children (BIBO study). In this model, early life gut microbiota mediates the associations between stress early in life and adolescent brain, behavior, and cognition. As previously shown in mice, adolescence may constitute an additional sensitive period in development, next to early life, in which dysregulation of the microbiota-gut-brain axis may contribute to what are often first manifestations of psychopathology. In this study, we will hence study the independent and potentially combined contributions of stress and microbiota in early life and in adolescence on brain structure, brain function, behavior problems, and cognitive capacities.
External references: Read more

Promovendus ‘Organisatie en Kwaliteit van Werk in de Ouderenzorg’


Apply before: January 20th, 2019
Radboud University Nijmegen
Job specification: Als promovendus onderzoekt u de effecten van (veranderingen in) de organisatie en de kwaliteit van werk op de duurzame inzetbaarheid van werknemers in de ouderenzorg. Het onderzoeksvoorstel schrijft u in samenwerking met de promotor. Voor de uitvoering van het project werkt u nauw samen met een ouderenzorginstelling in de regio Nijmegen. Daar zal een deel van het onderzoek plaatsvinden en worden de data verzameld. U analyseert en rapporteert in het Nederlands en in het Engels. U presenteert uw bevindingen op nationale en internationale congressen en schrijft een proefschrift. Daarnaast geeft u onderwijs (0,1 fte)
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PhD candidate in Sustainable Operations Management


Apply before: April 15th, 2019
Eindhoven University
Job specification: The aim of this PhD project is to improve supply chain sustainability through collaboration projects with/among suppliers and/or customers. To understand the collaboration potential of the supply chain actors and to share the knowledge with other suppliers, a methodology will be developed to detect early sustainability adopters and to investigate their characteristics.  To be specific, the project will address the risks, liabilities, and gains of sustainability efforts (investments) of various actors and develop models to optimize the required efforts, taking the willingness-to-collaborate and change explicitly into account.
External references: Read more

PhD – Child Problem Behavior and Teacher-Child Relationships


Apply before: April 15th, 2019
KU Leuven School Psychology and Development in Context (Belgium)
Job specification: Current models of intervention have little attention to the complexities of constructing supportive teacher-child relationships with behaviorally-challenging or aggressive children and the emotional demands placed on teachers. One of the reasons is that we lack a clear understanding of more implicit relationship processes. In addition, there is also insufficient knowledge of how to assess and change negative implicit relationship processes. This proposal for strategic basic research addresses these concerns. The first goal is to increase understanding of the complexities of teacher-child relationships by examining the understudied role of implicit relationship processes in the school adjustment and sociobehavioral development of children with behavior problems. The second goal is to examine how teachers can be made aware of implicit relationship processes in relationships with behaviorally challenging children in such a way that teacher-child relationships can be improved.
External references: Read more

PhD – Stress regulation decomposed


Apply before: January 15th, 2019
Université Grenoble Alpes (France)
Job specification: PhD position: Stress regulation decomposed: A mechanistic approach to understand physiological and emotional regulation of stress to improve well-being.

The downregulation of stress has gained momentum in the last years as various methods became popular (e.g., mindfulness training). The accuracy of psychological research in the last few years has been debated. The theories on psychological mechanisms underpinning stress regulation, as well as on the individual role in stress regulation (stress mindsets and/or control) are therefore also underdeveloped. This project will consist of several stages:

  1. Meta-Analysis
  2. Measurement Assessment
  3. Registered Report
External references: Read more