Promovendus ‘Geheugen reconsolidatie en de behandeling van angststoornissen’ gezocht

Apply before: 9 Januari 2015
Institute: Universiteit van Amsterdam (UvA)
Job specification: De promovendus coördineert de uitvoering van een serie behandelstudies naar de effectiviteit van een nieuwe interventie bij patiënten met een paniekstoornis (met/zonder agorafobie) en specifieke fobieën.De promovendus rapporteert zijn/haar onderzoeksbevindingen in de internationale vakpers, die samengevoegd zullen uitmonden in een proefschrift. De promovendus verzorgt voor 20% van de tijd onderwijs bij de programmagroep Klinische Psychologie.

In het onderhavige project zal worden getoetst

  1. of het verstoren van geheugen reconsolidatie een effectieve interventie is voor mensen met een angststoornis en
  2. wat de optimale condities zijn waaronder het proces van geheugen reconsolidatie bij patiënten met een angststoornis kan worden beïnvloed.
External references: Website

Two PhD candidates wanted in open and online education

Apply before: 30 December 2014
Institute: The Centre for Education and Learning (CEL) of Leiden University, TU Delft and Erasmus University Rotterdam
Job specification: Project 1: Design of learning environments in open online higher education (TU Delft)

Main research question: “How is the design of the learning environment related to students’ engagement and achievement in open online higher education?”

Topics of this project may include but are not limited to: large-scale learning analytics and learner modelling, human-centred web & multi-media, mobile learning, scalable calibrated feedback and automated assessment. Digital learning environments do not exist in isolation; they are embedded in the rich infrastructure of the Web.

Project 2: Teaching in open online higher education (Leiden University)

Main research question: “How is teaching in open online higher education related to students’ engagement and achievement?”

Topics of this project may include but are not limited to: instructional methods, quizzes, discussion forums, teacher feedback, peer learning, collaborative learning and assessment. Experimental designs in which particular teaching aspects are manipulated can be a valuable way to study differential effects of teaching in open online higher education.

External references: Website

PhD Student ‘Informed decision making for prenatal screening’

Apply before: 22 December 2014
Institute: University of Amsterdam (UvA)
Job specification: Donors matching patients who are negative for common blood group antigens, or who have an uncommon combination of alloantibodies are most likely to be found in ethnic minority populations. For example, certain rare blood types are more common in populations from African origin. Like in many countries, minority populations are underrepresented in the Dutch donor population. This highlights the need to increase the variety of blood types in our donor base by developing effective and efficient recruitment and retention strategies for specific populations. In this study, the PhD candidate will systematically develop effective recruitment and retention strategies for specific minority populations.
External references: Website

Call for a predoctoral researcher (2 years, possibly renewable – 100%)

Apply before: 23 December 2014
Institute: Universiteit van Amsterdam (UvA)
Job specification: Donors matching patients who are negative for common blood group antigens, or who have an uncommon combination of alloantibodies are most likely to be found in ethnic minority populations. For example, certain rare blood types are more common in populations from African origin. Like in many countries, minority populations are underrepresented in the Dutch donor population. This highlights the need to increase the variety of blood types in our donor base by developing effective and efficient recruitment and retention strategies for specific populations. In this study, the PhD candidate will systematically develop effective recruitment and retention strategies for specific minority populations.

The project is a collaboration between the departments of Donor Studies of Sanquin Research and the department of Public Health of the Academic Medical Center, University of Amsterdam (AMC/UvA). The department of Donor Studies is an internationally recognized center for high-quality blood donor research. The department of Public Health, AMC, has an international research reputation in diversity-sensitive intervention development. Research activities will be performed at Sanquin and AMC.

External references: Website

Research Fellow in Health Psychology/Behavioural Medicine

Apply before: 7 January 2015
Institute: University of Aberdeen
Job specification: The Aberdeen Health Psychology Group is looking for an enthusiastic and ambitious Research Fellow to lead an exciting project titled Making smoking cessation interventions more useful to policy and practice: Identifying the effective behavioural compo­nents of smoking cessation support provided to intervention and control groups by applying innovative methods for evidence syntheses’.The purpose of the project is to use innovative methods for synthesising the evidence base of smoking cessation trials to identify their most effective behaviour change components, and translate this into recommendations for future smoking cessation policy and practice, thereby reducing the incidence of lung cancer and other tobacco-related conditions. The project is also expected to develop new methodological standards for the design, conduct and synthesis of smoking cessation interventions. You will receive formal training in the coding of behaviour change techniques and conducting meta-regression analyses.
External references: Website

Vacature Universiteit Maastricht – Promovendus Onderzoek kwetsbaarheid bij ouderen

Apply before: 14 December 2014
Institute: Maastricht University
Job specification: Het onderwerp kwetsbaarheid (‘frailty’) bij ouderen staat steeds meer in de belangstelling. Hoewel er verschillende methoden zijn om kwetsbare ouderen op te sporen, bestaat hierover ook nog veel discussie. Steeds meer wordt echter duidelijk dat niet alleen naar de beperkingen van de oudere op lichamelijk, psychisch of sociaal gebied moet worden gekeken maar ook naar de omgeving en naar beschermende en ondersteunende resources. Daartoe is het begrip ‘frailty balance’ geïntroduceerd dat verwijst naar de verhouding tussen beperkingen en zulke resources (in feite het draaglast – draagkracht principe). Hoofddoel van het Maastrichtse promotietraject is te komen tot de ontwikkeling van een meetinstrument ‘frailty balance’ dat op een praktische, valide en betrouwbare wijze kwetsbaarheid van ouderen in kaart brengt en rekening houdt met zowel deze beperkingen, de omgeving als ook de resources.
External references: Website

PhD candidate, FHML/School for Mental Health and Neuroscience

Apply before: 13 December 2014
Institute: Maastricht University
Job specification: We invite applications for a PhD position in ‘Stress and Alzheimer’s disease: an integrated approach’ at the School for Mental Health and Neuroscience in Maastricht. The work will be carried out at the department of Psychiatry and Neuropsychology of Maastricht University.Stress is known to influence memory performance and brain network integrity. Important neuromodulators related to stress are cortisol and noradrenalin. These neuromodulators have different temporal and spatial effects on the brain. How these neuromodulators are related to brain network integrity, memory deficits, neuropsychiatric symptoms and cerebrospinal fluid markers in patients in the early stage of Alzheimer’s disease has scarcely been investigated.
External references: Website

PhD-position ‘Social Thermoregulation’ (Clinical Psychology)

Apply before: 5 December 2014
Institute: VU University Amsterdam
Job specification: The Amsterdam Emotion Regulation Lab ( is seeking a new PhD student. As a PhD student, you will conduct research on social thermoregulation. There are good indications that thermoregulation is vital for social attachment and well-being. However, despite the knowledge that we have on social thermoregulation across many animal species, surprisingly little research has been done to unravel its functionality for human psychological functioning. The present project aims to change this. You will investigate the role of social thermoregulation among infants and romantic couples (for an example, see: In so doing, you will use longitudinal and experimental methods from social and cognitive psychology.
External references: Website

Promovendus ‘The missing factor in Math Anxiety’

Apply before: 12 December 2014
Institute: Universiteit van Amsterdam (UvA)
Job specification: Promovendus ‘The missing factor in Math Anxiety’

Hoewel onderkend wordt dat rekenangst zeer belemmerend kan zijn voor de ontwikkeling van rekenvaardigheden, is er nog maar weinig theorievorming over rekenangst bij adolescenten. Ook ontbreekt het nog aan theorie-gestuurde interventies voor het overwinnen ervan. Het eerste doel van dit project betreft theorievorming, waarbij de relatie tussen rekenangst, cognitieve biases, vermijding en cognitieve controle wordt onderzocht bij middelbare scholieren. Het tweede doel van dit project is het ontwerpen en implementeren van online computertrainingen (Cognitieve Bias Modificatie training), in RCT’s, ten einde rekenangst bij dezelfde doelgroep te reduceren. Inhoud van deze trainingen is uiteraard afhankelijk van de bevindingen in de eerste fase.

External references: Website

PhD positions in Legal Psychology funded by Erasmus Mundus

Apply before: 30 November 2014
Institute: Maastricht University
Job specification:

Legal Psychology combines psychological principles with legal applications such as eyewitness accounts, lie detection, suspect interrogations, and terrorist threats. The key objective of The House of Legal Psychology is to prepare a new generation of high calibre researchers in Legal Psychology who will obtain cross-European expertise in legal, forensic and security domains. Through its central focus on the psycho-legal domain in Europe, the programme will have a critical carry-over effect for research on issues relevant to the European research agenda, such as criminal networks, human intelligence gathering, preventing miscarriages of justice, analysis of terrorist threats, and the effects of extended punishment. This research is vital as there are a number of misconceptions that need to be addressed. The focus of the PhD projects will be on these research domains

For more information, please see the website.

External references: Website