PhD – Health Communication / Persuasion Technology

Apply before: May 16th, 2017
Institute: Universiteit van Amsterdam (UvA)
Job specification: In the SUPREME NUDGE project, the opportunities for facilitating healthy lifestyle behaviours of low socioeconomic status adults through a supermarket-based intervention are investigated in a series of related work-packages (WPs). After assessing the needs and characteristics of the target group and the supermarket chain involved in the project (WP1), a pilot test will investigate effective intervention components in a virtual supermarket setting (WP2.1) and through a mobile app (WP2.2).

During the intervention phase, we will test the effects of ‘nudging’, pricing strategies and a physical activity mobile app on improvements in lifestyle and cardiovascular risk (WP3) and the upscaling of the intervention (WP4). SUPREME NUDGE is financed by the Dutch Heart Foundation and ZonMw, and will be coordinated by VU University Medical Centre. The project will be executed in collaboration with 9 public and private partners.

External references: Website