PhD Student on Human Interaction Chalmers University of Technology Sweden


Apply before: Not Specified
Chalmers University, Gothenburg, Sweden
Job specification:
  • Candidates should have an MSc degree in psychology/behavioural sciences or an engineering discipline, with knowledge in one or more of the following fields: human factors, cognitive psychology, neuro science, ergonomics, human machine interfaces, cognitive modelling, artificial intelligence, machine learning, statistics, automotive technology, driver assistance systems, software engineering, computer science, control theory, transport modelling, and safety analysis.
  • The overall goal of this project is to enable rapid and reliable development of safe and user-centred automated vehicles (AVs) for urban environments. Vehicle automation has been identified as a game-changer in transport, promising substantial reductions in road-traffic fatalities while improving mobility. However, the processes to integrate automation in transport have been primarily technology-focussed, with insufficient consideration given to how users both inside and outside of the AVs will interact with AVs.

    The main objective of SHAPE-IT is to facilitate the safe, acceptable (and, ideally, desirable) integration of user-centred and transparent AVs into tomorrow’s mixed urban traffic environments, using both existing and new research methods, designing advanced interfaces and control strategies.

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