2 Phd Fellowships In Theoretical And Experimental Neuroscience


Apply before: July 1st, 2019
Norwegian University of Science & Technology Department of Mathematical Sciences
Job specification:
  • The overall project will involve the development and integration of four experimental and theoretical tools: 1) Microdissection of live neurons from relevant brain regions that will be cultured into Alzheimer’s disease-relevant neural networks in an in-vitro preparation, 2) selective genetic manipulation of neurons, 3) electrophysiological recording and 4) characterization of the population activity of the cultured neurons and comparisons between these and controls.
  • For the position in the Kavli Institute for Systems Neuroscience / Centre for Neural Computation, the applicant must have a master’s degree in Neuroscience or comparable competence.
  • For the position in the Mathematics department, the applicant must have a master’s degree in Statistics, Mathematics or comparable competence.
External references: More information